Please see our Oahu-based sister site for Pan Pacific Web Works
Aunt Anita was married to my uncle, a man of some mystery and much affection in the family. An intelligent, articulate, and strong woman, Anita was living in active retirement up on the slope of the Punchbowl, overlooking Honolulu on Oʻahu, when we reconnected. I learned she was a real-estate agent, a realty arbitrator, and a practitioner at the Centers for Spiritual Living. When she learned some of my background — editorial, brand, and web development in particular — she wanted us to work together. She firmly believed we could provide important value to businesses in Honolulu, and across Oʻahu and its neighbor islands. I believe auntie’s plan was driven by her character: so full of life, so many interests, and a natural drive to contribute something good.
One consolation, on the passing of Anita Ouverson, was that she was excited and looking forward to so much. We never got to work together, though; I took a little too long booking that flight. Still, a number of fine firms in Hawaii have come to us for brand-sensitive, audience-aware web development that respects the spirit of aloha and the diverse people there. We’re grateful for that, for each of them, and we think of aunt Anita every time our ohana grows. Aloha, auntie, mahalo nui loa!
Websites we’ve developed for Hawaiʻi businesses include:
We were honored to re-launch the online presence of the Cathedral of St. Andrew (Honolulu). Their website serves a large worship community with considerable history in the Hawaiian islands. It needed, like the eminent church itself, to preserve the continuity of work and message while speaking clearly to the modern world. Since the launch, Cathedral staff have been adding and updating content with diligence and enthusiasm!
Swan Builders, International does beautiful hardscape work for residential, commercial, and public spaces (Kailua). With decades in the business as licensed contractors, including shotcrete credentials, they only needed an online portfolio to feature their projects. We enjoyed working with the company owners, always with “much aloha,” and we’re happy to think of them as part of our Oahu ohana.
Blue Water Glass, Inc. (Kaneohe) has been so busy providing high-end glass design and installation services, they entrusted us to design and develop their all-new, all-modern showcase of a website. Aimed at builders, homeowners, architects and designers, and both retail and commercial property managers, this wasn’t the first website we’ve created to serve a multi-faceted audience. We delivered a spare, minimalist design that distinguishes itself from the competition and delivers a refined message with minimal text.
Brigham & Associates is engaged in the important work of Dr. Chris Brigham, a leading authority in the medical-legal field of impairment and disability (aka dis/ability). Dr, Brigham is also the lead author of Living Abled: Your Guide to Injury and Illness Recovery. His mission is about achieving best-possible outcomes, and includes a number of web assets at various domains serving medical professionals and the human resources, insurance, and claims industries. Having met only three times — in Kaneohe, Honolulu, and Southern California — we enjoy an effective, amiable, and ongoing business relationship.
Windward Construction Accounting, Inc. has provided professional services to Oahu, Hawaii, for decades. We were honored when they allowed us to help ensure their website shows they are current and relevant to today’s business community on the island.
Finally, a special mahalo to our first client in Hawaii: Aloha Party Rentals (Kalihi) was referred to us by their business advisor, who was aware of our track record. The company had a half-century of history serving Oahu when they were referred to us. It was a privilege for us to serve owner Bob Pestana and the loyal staff. We remained their advocate for years, ensuring their website stayed current in technology and ready to fulfill the needs of the business and its clientele.