Your business, in print

Content, editing, print design

External Design provides editorial services to authors, businesses, and publishers.

covers: Dr. Dobb's Journal, technical periodical in early Silicon Valley
Dr. Dobb’s Journal was the seminal technical publication in Silicon Valley’s early years. Marlin Ouverson was its editor-in-chief at People’s Computer Company. Circulation doubled during his two years at the masthead.
book covers: Forth Programmer's Handbook and Forth Application Techniques, technical documentation
Marlin Ouverson has been a technical editor with global circulation since the 1980s in early Silicon Valley. Some of his work has appeared in medical publications, biotech websites and marketing, and dance and art presentations.

Editing and proofreading

It’s not just spelling and grammar. A skilled, sensitive editor can help ensure the content — and its appearance — supports project goals and brand identity.

Still, an ill-placed comma, misspelling, or unfortunate auto-correct can undermine your message and your authority. We aren’t the grammar police but, when it’s called for, we will pick those nits with the best.